No, this is not another STIHL April Fools Day joke.
The BaSt-Ing VinZent is a lightweight aluminum shield to protect against injuries from falling branches during tree harvesting.
It is worn like a backpack and designed to disperse a falling branch’s impact.
Is it a good idea or a bad idea?
You decide.
BaSt-Ing VinZent Chainsaw Safety
Unless you speak German, you probably didn’t understand much of this promo video.
But, you get the idea, and, no, it’s not a joke. It’s an actual product that costs €833 or US$900.
The company states:
VinZent is the cleverest protection for the hardwood harvest, which greatly minimizes the risk of injury from falling branches.
As a new security concept, it has the following advantages:
- Light weight optimal and ergonomic fit wide
- Soft shoulder straps
- Hip belt for adjustment
- Protects the head and back
- Freedom of movement and looking up are not restricted
This is VinZent!
It’s supposed to be comfortable to wear with padded shoulder straps and weighs only a minimal amount.
They claim that you have complete freedom of movement and won’t be not restricted when looking up.
The guy modeling the VinZent looks reasonably comfortable, right?
However, by the time you put on your chaps, gloves, helmet, boots, and other PPE, you’re already reasonably burdened.
The BaSt-Ing VinZent is a good idea, but not many chainsaw users would be happy wearing it. If you’re working in warm climates, in particular, every extra piece of PPE will make you hotter.
Getting the best gear, such as the Protos Arborist Helmet (or other good arborist helmet), already offers excellent head protection.
Reactions To The BaSt-Ing VinZent
We first saw this device after someone shared it in the Stihl Chainsaw Facebook group.
Here are some of our favorite comments.
Luke asked:
Does it come in ninja turtle paint
asking for a friend
Frank suggested:
Get two and wear one backwards for those lunchtime chainsaw battles.
Chris said:
The trees will chop themselves down when they see that thing coming…
And Jason commented:
This shield makes branches magically not weigh 400lbs when they drop out of the sky…
Most of the comments are jokes because the thing is a little ridiculous.
However, a few guys thought that, depending on the situation, it could be helpful.
Kyle had a good point:
At what point is the crossover between safety and fatigue. If you are dying of heat exhaustion from wearing excessive ppe you are no longer safe to work.
And Sean said:
To be fair, this is a good concept, but it needs to be made more practical.
And the overall consensus was that it would make working in the forest more difficult.
There are vines and low branches that will snag on the device, making it more of a nuisance.
VinZent Back Protector
The best advice is to get out of the fall zone when cutting down a tree.
The Germans invented the first chainsaw for cutting wood, and we can now add the BaSt-Ing VinZent to their list of innovations.
First of all , how much is a new back worth ? Trust me , I know this first hand . Yes , maybe it needs some refining , but all new concepts do . If you spend a long time in the bush , then you know people , who are crippled for life , or dead , that this could have possibly have saved !
Why not wear a boogie board on your back instead? Then you could take it for a surf during your lunch break. I got into a spot of trouble for not wearing chaps while operating a chainsaw at a bushfire in Katoomba in 2002; I’d never heard of them! Apparently they had been just introduced into the Rural Fire Service/ Bushfire Brigade of NSW, Australia.
Chaps are 100% worth wearing – I’ve lost count of the number of people who have said they’ve been saved by them. The Bast-Ing Vinzent on the other hand… 😬