Stihl 075 AV Chainsaw Reviews, Versions, Specifications, Features, And Price

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The Stihl 075 is a 111 cc vintage chainsaw produced between 1974 and 1980. It’s now a collectible saw from Stihl’s popular 1111 series.

The 075 “weighs a ton” and “will vibrate your joints from your toes to your fingertips.” Or, as someone else put it, the 075 “will vibrate you to death, and then they’ll have to pry your hand off the handle.”

But those things are just part and parcel with these old, powerful, and awesome STIHL saws. Here are user reviews, along with the saw specs, versions, and current worth.

Stihl 075 or 076?

rare vintage 075 chainsaw
STIHL 075 AVE with handguard, no chainbrake

The featured 075 AV electronic belongs to Edward Knapp. It’s all original and one of the highlights of his large collection.

One of the things that frequently comes up with the 075 is this…

Someone posts a picture of their Stihl 075 in an FB group and then is met with comments like this:

That’s not an 075 because the chain brake, oil fill location, and muffler setup are what you’d expect on an 076.

The oil fill location is on the top of the case on every 075 I’ve seen so far. The 075 only has a half cover on the Exhaust side also.

I’d say you’ve got an 076 with an 075 sticker or even the whole airbox cover.

However, the saws with a slightly different design are likely genuine 075s; they were just produced at the end of the production run before the 076 (which replaced it) came out in 1980.

There are three or four main differences between the 075 versions visible on the exterior of the saw.

The first three were in the comment above:

  1. The handguard on early 075s is attached to the handlebar and casing, as with the saw pictured in this article
  2. The bar oil tank on the earlier model is accessed from the top of the casing
  3. The muffler cover covers only part of the muffler
stihl 075 muffler
STIHL 075 muffler (cover partially broken, it should go to the bottom of the muffler)

You can see Edward’s saw is designed like this.

The other difference is that the earlier models have the OLD Stihl logo, as seen on Edward’s saw, whereas the later version usually has the new Stihl logo.

early stihl 075 with old logo
Early STIHL 075 – the logo changed in 1977

The next image is a 075 that some people claim is a 076, although it is tagged 075 AVE.

A late STIHL 075 with similarities to a 076

The image doesn’t show the full muffler cover since it’s on the other side, but this saw also has that.

Rather than this being a wrongly tagged 076, as some claim, we think it is a late 075 before the switch to the 076 in 1979/1980 (Stihl chainsaw production years).

If you see a Stihl 075 with the new Stihl logo, it will most often also have the side access oil reservoir, full muffler cover, and case-mounted hand guard (or no hand guard at all).

Alternatively, if you see an 075 with the old logo, it will most often have the top access oil tank, half muffler cover, and double attached hand guard, as you can see with Edward’s saw.

muffler cover 075
Image: @admtrees late 075 with full muffler cover

Both are 075 saws; they’re just manufactured at different times with slightly different designs. However, that’s not to say there aren’t any 076s that have had the air filter cover replaced with a 075 cover because the parts are compatible.

Also, alongside the two switch controls (kill switch and choke), some later 075s will have an additional manual oiler plunger. All of them were built with an automatic oiler, but the earlier versions did not have them.

Stihl 075 Reviews

stihl 075 chainsaw bar
STIHL 075 with 25″ bar

The 075 won’t be for everybody because of its weight, power, and lack of modern features (such as a good AV system).

It’s not a saw you’ll want to run every day, but it is fun to use occasionally. It won’t have any trouble dropping trees or bucking large logs.

Here are some user reviews from our Facbook page:

  • Daniel said, “I still use mine put bigger sprocket and 41 carb.”
  • Brendan said, “Heavy beast sound awesome I got one restored.”
  • Siegfried said, “Have one with a new piston.💪”
  • David said, “Used to cut with one in the early 90s then I bought a 288 and my life changed.”
  • Steve said, “Mind was a pig, reached for the 056 every stump.”
  • Ivor said, “Heavy, vibrates, noisy, no chain brake, a widow maker.”

Craig said:

Bought one in 76 and it was a beast, if you didnt use the compression release you could break the pull rope trying to start it.

Christopher said:

They’re a very good saw with high torque.

075/076 are basically the same but the 076 had a chain brake, side oil fill instead of top and some have a spacer on the intake with walbro carb. The one with the spacer was a super version.

Still made the powerhead for concrete saws up till about 15 years ago so parts are available. Was based off the Stihl 050 which was 89cc.

Those who use it for milling say:

  • “I love my 075 for milling! I’ve run a 59″ bar on it, and it had no problem slabbing a 48″.”
  • “Lovely saw for milling. I have a 54″ bar on mine, and it’s so reliable. Starts first pull and does a full day milling and has no issues at all.”
  • “I had a 48″ mill run by an 075.”
  • “Good saws. I use mine on a mill, and it works great.”
  • “I have several 075s and a 076, too. Yes, they’re big heavy buggers, and some parts can be difficult to come by, but they’re a classic 111 cc muscle saw that still has some utility, especially with a long bar or milling.”
  • “Torque monster saws, very good for milling.”

These comments are very typical.

Negative comments include:

  • “Go more modern or you will run into problems getting most of the parts needed for repairs. I don’t think they make ignition modules or carbs for those anymore, but it’s your money.”
  • “They are monster saws but outdated and parts are a problem. If you can find parts for them that would help. Do a compression test and pull both mufflers to look at the piston and cylinder before buying.”
  • “They aren’t well-liked, they had bolts that would come loose and problems with casting cracks and leaking gas tanks. Most parts are NLA and they are in the class of collector’s vintage muscle saws. Not practical. The 066/660 is very common well-loved and easy to get parts for.”

The main downsides of the saw that people bring up are that parts are hard to find and heavy. And simply because they believe “better” saws are out there.

But we all know there are more modern saws like the 500i or MS440 that are more comfortable to use, but that’s not why most people want to buy vintage saws.

This is a good summary of the 075:

The 1111 series (050/051/075/076) saws are a bit heavy and primitive, but they can usually be found for a reasonably good price.

The main problem with these, in my experience, is that they were often used (and abused) commercially, so you really have to watch out for saws that are just completely worn out.

Look for makeshift repairs, stripped bolt holes, missing bolts, gouged pistons, etc. The difficult-to-find parts are the muffler, NOS jugs, and pistons. However, Stihl made a BUNCH of TS760 cutoff saws; these take the same jug and piston, so I’ve bought a few of these.

Anyway, because of the weight and parts availability, it’s not a great saw for lugging around in the woods if you’re cutting daily, but lots of folks use them for milling.

Of course, many guys are buying simply for their collection and not for use as their regular firewood or felling saw.

Stihl 075 AV Specs

Of the dozens of 075 saws we’ve seen, the saw in this video from The Chainsaw Guy is one exception to the ‘new Stihl logo’ rule. It has likely been rebuilt and the parts are probably not all original to the saw.

It has oil tank access on top, the new logo, a full muffler cover, and no hand guard or chain brake (optional on the 076 but not on the 075). The badge is missing from the saw altogether. 

The video shows the saw in action and gives a rundown of the features:

  • Auto oiler and manual oiler on some versions
  • Decompression valve
  • Throttle lock
  • AV (anti-vibration) system
  • Large falling spikes
  • Wrap handlebar
  • Tensioner on front of the saw
old stihl 075 poster
STIHL 075 AV magazine advert

075 specifications:

  • Displacement: 111 cc / 6.77 cu. in.
  • Power output: 7 hp / 5.21 kW
  • Powerhead weight: 10.9 kg / 24 lbs
  • Cylinder diameter: 59 mm / 2.32 in.
  • Cylinder bore: 58mm / 2.322 in.
  • Piston stroke: 42mm / 1.68 in.
  • 1200 ml fuel tank
  • Magnesium crankcase

It takes spark plugs NGK BPMR7A, Bosch WSR6F, or Champion RCJ6Y.

Price and Parts

parts for stihl 075 chainsaw
Most parts can be easily found online

While some say there are no issues with parts availability, some are harder to find than others. 075 mufflers, for example, can be difficult to track down, but they are out there.

The 075, 076, and TS760 share many of the same parts, though the 076 Super had less in common with the 075. The STIHL 050 AV and 051 also share many of the same parts.

This comment from the Arborist Site states:

Almost all parts interchange with the 076, and other than a smaller displacement (smaller bore cylinder) they interchange with the 051 as well.

There are lots of these saws around and parts are pretty easy to come by.

In fact, there hasn’t been a new I part I needed that my Stihl dealer hasn’t still been able to order for me, and I’ve needed a lot.

Though, to be fair, that was written in 2007 and parts are more difficult to find now.

Ebay and HL Supply are the best spots to search for 075 parts.

At the time of writing, there are cylinder kits (including rebuild kits), crankshafts, pistons, clutches, flywheels, and so on. Though it’s mostly aftermarket stuff.

When buying or selling 075s, the price always depends on the condition of the saw.

They are listed on eBay for between $400 and $1,100, but a 075 in poor condition can go for as little as $100.


As time passes, there are fewer tidy 075s for sale, so the price is more likely to go up than down.

Also, chainsaw collecting is on the rise, and good vintage saws can sell for as much as new pro saws.

Let us know what you know about the 075 in the comments below!

Next up, check out our STIHL 031 and 041 reviews. These saws are from the same era and are just as grunty and epic.


Three STIHL Logos Through History… Have They Got Boring?

The Stihl MSA 161 T Battery Chainsaw: Features, Specs, Battery Info, Review


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